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During their terrestrial mission, Special Corps conduct observation operations to spy on the enemy.

Reporting the observations

First Step: define the observations

The observations report contains the observations carried out by the Special Corps when they spy the captors activities. An observation happens at a specific time and is composed of the movements of the four guards who keep the hideout where the hostage is retained.

Each guard is identified by an id which is a number from to 4. Besides, in every observation, each guard will move to a different position, which must be represented in terms of gps coordinates. So, the position must contain a latitude and a longitude value in DD format (Decimal Degrees). Some of the guards do not work alone, instead they walk in the company of a dog. Other guards can move by vehicle (bike, jeep or speedboat) around the area.


Second Step: observe!

Now is the moment to observe the enemy. Go to the maps section and fill your report with the situations that you detect in the observations during the night before the release operation.


© 2017 Nuria Azpeitia and Vanesa Espín.

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