Game Rules
Before playing
You will need good skills on XML and XSchema.
Know the team you belong to and join the rest of your colleagues.
Choose together the leader or your group and communicate your decision to the Supreme Commanders.
Read the team instructions carefully.
Game characters
​While you play, you will have to interact with several characters:
The Supreme Commanders: they are your superiors and are in charge of monitoring the proper functioning of the mission. They only operate from the Headquarters.
The Informer: is responsible for transferring relevant information from the Supreme Commanders to the Teams.
The Messenger: is entrusted with the task of communications between different Teams.
The Observer: is responsible for overseeing the work inside the Teams.
During the game
Each Team have to work together in the resolution of their tasks.
Once you think you have a possible solution, the leader of your Team must communicate it to the Supreme Commanders sending the solution-file using the corresponding "Send Solution" button.
When you send a Solution, the Informer will pass you the answer from the Supreme Commanders.
When you solve your First Task, you will receive a Special Power Card. This Card will allow you to ask for help to a member of other Team: choose the member and pass your request to the other Team giving your Power Card to the Messenger. Then, the Messenger will transmit your demand to the other Team.
If a Team receives a request of help from other Team and they are still working on their First Task they could reject the petition and The Messenger will give the Card back to the petitioner Team. But, if the Team is working on the Second Task, the request must be granted and the demanded member must go to help the other Team until no more help is required.
Remember: a leader never can leave the Team.
If your Team has a question, the leader may go to the Headquarters and ask to the Supreme Commanders.
When a Team has completed all its tasks must split and the members have to join unfinished Teams.
Never invent your own words!! All the required words of your solutions can be found in the task instruction resource. Look for bold and italic words.
Pay special attention to distinguish elements from attributes.
When you need to link two words use the "_" character if anything is stated instead.